Sukuntheavy Ven Memorial Fund
In Memory of Sokuntheavy Ven 1972 - 2016, the fund was set to provides a long term benefit to the Canberra Cambodian Community by promoting and supporting Cambodian traditions and culture. Khemararangsi Buddhist Temple of the ACT Inc. has been selected as the sole recipient for Distribution of the Fund
Contruction of Wat Canberra
Summary of the Construction Cost
$ 550.00 (Survey)
$ 4,180.00 (Architect )
$ 47,905.00 (land cost)
$ 762,783.00 (Building cost)
$ 63,500.00 (Altar construction)
$ 78,383.00 (Roof alteration)
$ 20,386.05 (Electricity connection)
$ 198,072.00 (Carpark)
$ 27,500.00 (Retaining wall)
$ 4,254.05 (Miscellaneous)
$ 1,207,513.10 (Total )

Khmer New Year 2017
